toppanel/notifications: add clean all and do not disturb
Hi, this MR adds "clear all" and "do not disturb" buttons to NotificationsWidget
Few other corrections have been made:
- Transitions should now work correctly, plus they can be disabled via
; - Loaders are now asynchronous;
- List items have now their own margins, in order to not clip their shadows.\
It only remains to implement a context menu to set do not disturb mode for a given period of time. I think it's a secondary feature on which we can work later, but in case tell me what to do.
Unfortunately I can't test the lockscreen on a phone at the moment, and I cannot take a performance test as well. It would be great if someone tested all these things, otherwise I'll provide as soon as possible.
Closes: #134 (closed)
Edited by Yari Polla