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  • Oliver Kellogg's avatar
    Address TODO of commit 8344d5f4, · 86642f13
    Oliver Kellogg authored
    > [...]
    > - At the code past the (parentPkg_sav != NULL) return,
    >  - Remove call to importLogicalView(); the code farther above in effect
    >    performs importLogicalView() but at the same time deals with controlled
    >    units. Perhaps should be refactored for clean separation of these tasks.
    - In function loadFromMDL() move import of views for the case
      (parentPkg == NULL) from function petalTree2Uml(PetalNode*, UMLPackage*)
      to here.
    - Publish functions importView() and importLogicalPresentations(), they are
      now called directly by function loadFromMDL()
    - At function petalTree2Uml(PetalNode *root, UMLPackage *parentPkg) remove
      default value of parentPkg.
    - In class ParametersReader function insertAtParent(), generate a new ID for
      `item' if item->id() returns Uml::ID::None.
      Reason: Rose "object Parameter" does not include "quid".
    - In function umbrellify(PetalNode *node, UMLPackage *parentPkg),
      - Remove default value at parentPkg;
      - At objType "Class" support stereotype "Actor";
      - Support objType "UseCase";
      - At "ClassDiagram" and "UseCaseDiagram" nested objType "NoteView", map
        attribute "label" to NoteWidget documentation.
    - Remove function folderType();
    - Remove function umbrellify(PetalNode*, const QString&, UMLListViewItem*);
    - At function importLogicalPresentations(PetalNode*, const QString &) add
      argument UMLPackage *parent and pass parent into call of umbrellify();
    - Remove function importLogicalView();
    - At function importView() replace argument UMLListViewItem *lvParent by
      UMLPackage *parent.