plasmacalendarplugins: Add support for alternate calendar 4 of 4 checklist items completedkdeplasma-addons!112 5.26
- Merged
- 23
- 2
- Approved
updated -
- Merged
- 156
- 8
- Approved
updated -
plasma-desktop!832 5.26
Draft: Redesign homepage 1 of 6 checklist items completeddiscover!242 5.26
Xwayland: Allow users to optionally let Xwayland eavesdrop certain key codes 3 of 3 checklist items completedkwin!1950 5.27
- Merged
- 69
- 2
- Approved
updated -
wallpapers/potd: Show wallpaper information in the config dialog 13 of 13 checklist items completedkdeplasma-addons!106 5.25
- Merged
- 122
- 4
- Approved
updated -
ComponentChooser: Add more default applications 3 of 4 checklist items completedplasma-desktop!770 5.27